Please visit my new blog!

August 18, 2007


I’ve completed migrating all my journal into my new blogs, this time with more and interesting stories… Just click here!

meaning that this will be my last notes in this blogs…! See you there…!

Upgrading my Blog..

August 13, 2007
Over the weekend, I’ve tried to create a new blog, this time a non-free WordPress version. Currently trying to adjust here and there, and will finalise it soon. That’s also mean that I will no longer updating this blog once that’s completed. So if you interested, just click here:

 I also try to create autodivert from this page to above link. ENJOY!!

Pertembungan sains dengan Islam, mana nak dipilih? (isu makan hati)

August 13, 2007
From: Mohamad Radzi Nazri (CJ/ESM) []
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2007 9:48 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients
Subject: FW: Pertembungan sains dengan Islam, mana nak dipilih? (isu makan hati)

Something to share with u guys… J


>>> Bace ni smapi habis..bes citer die….
>>> > Pertembungan sains dengan Islam, mana nak dipilih?
>>> >
>>> > Assalamualaikum wbh
>>> >
>>> > Dalam artikel lalu saya telah menceritakan tentang pengaruh permakanan
>>> > dalam pembinaan gigi yang cantik. Sila baca artikel saya bertajuk Agar
>>> gigi
>>> > anak-anak tersusun rapi. Dalam artikel ini saya menceritakan pengalaman
>>> > diberikan Allah anak sulung dengan memberikan anak manja ini makanan
>> rapu.
>>> > Sebenarnya, melalui anak yang sulung ini, begitu banyak Allah
>>> > memberikan
>>> > ilmu melalui pengalaman membesarkannya. Alhamdulillah bersyukur saya di
>>> > atas segala nikmat yang diberikanNya.
>>> > Dari tahun 1980 hingga 1985, saya mengajar di tiga buah sekolah dari
>>> > SMK
>>> >
Sultan Ahmad Shah Cameron Highland, Sekolah Mahmud Raub dan akhir
>>> > sekali
>>> di
>>> > Sekolah Menengah Sains Raub. Saya mengajar subjek utama biologi
>> tingkatan
>>> 4
>>> > dan 5 di samping beberapa subjek lain. Dalam subjek biologi ini saya
>>> > menggalakkan pelajar saya untuk memakan hati kerana menurut sains, hati
>>> > kaya dengan pelbagai khasiat seperti sumber zat besi yang sangat
>>> diperlukan
>>> > oleh tubuh badan. Saya tidak pernah membuktikan sama ada benar dakwaan
>>> > sains ini tetapi itulah yang perlu saya ajarkan kerana ia terdapat di
>>> dalam
>>> > sukatan pelajaran biologi dari dulu sampai sekarang.
>>> >
>>> >
Para doktor juga telah diberikan ilmu yang sama iaitu hati sama ada
>>> > hati
>>> > ayam atau hati lembu mengandungi sumber zat besi yang tinggi yang
>>> > sangat
>>> > diperlukan tubuh. Namun Islam mengajarkan sesuatu yang bertentangan
>>> > sama
>>> > sekali dengan ilmu sains ini iaitu mafhumnya lebih kurang begini
>>> “Janganlah
>>> > kamu makan organ dalaman”. Walau pun Nabi berkata jangan tetapi ulamak
>>> > lebih menjatuhkan hukum makhruh dalam keadaan ini dan bukan
>>> > mengharamkannya. Organ dalaman adalah organ selain daging yang
>> terkandung
>>> > dalam tubuh haiwan seperti:
>>> >    1. Hati
>>> >    2. Jantung
>>> >    3. Paru-paru
>>> >    4. Perut
>>> >    5. Hempedal
>>> >    6. Buah pinggang
>>> >    7. Jantung
>>> >    8. Buah pinggang
>>> >    9. Telur ayam yang belum keluar dari perut ayam
>>> >    10.      Telur ikan.
>>> > Sains menggalakkan makan hati kerana khasiat zat besinya yang sangat
>>> > diperlukan manusia sedangkan Islam melarang dari memakan hati ini. Mana
>>> > yang anda pilih? Sains atau pesan Nabi Muhammad SAW ini?
>>> > Kembali kepada pengalaman membesarkan anak sulung 25 tahun lalu,
>>> > setelah
>>> > berbagai makanan rapu termasuk berbagai jenama minuman bergas
>>> > diberikan,
>>> > sewaktu anak saya berusia 2 tahun, ia sudah menghadapi satu masalah,
>>> beliau
>>> > mudah letih dan tidak bermaya. Saya dan isteri membawa anak kesayangan
>> ke
>>> > klinik di Raub Pahang. Doktor Cina di klinik ini sangat rapat dengan
>> saya
>>> > dan isteri kerana isteri doktor ini mengajar matapelajaran Biologi di
>>> > sekolah yang sama dengan Isteri saya.
>>> > Setelah membuat semakan dan ujian termasuk melihat di dalam kelopak
>>> > mata
>>> > bahagian bawah, doktor mengatakan bahawa anak saya sudah mempunyai
>> masalah
>>> > anemia atau bahasa mudahnya kurang darah atau lebih tepatnya darah anak
>>> > saya ini kekurangan sel darah merah menyebabkan warna darahnya kurang
>>> > merah. Doktor menasihati kami berdua agar memberikan anak sulung kami
>> ini
>>> > makan banyak hati seperti hati ayam. Doktor juga ada memberikan
>> supplement
>>> > untuk anak kami tersebut
>>> > Bermula dari saat ini setiap kali balik dari sekolah, sewaktu singgah
>>> > di
>>> > pasar Raub, saya akan membeli sekilo hati ayam untuk diberikan kepada
>> anak
>>> > disamping makanan ayah dan ibunya. Walaupun dengan supplement dan hati
>>> ayam
>>> > yang diberikan, keadaan kesihatan anak saya semakin merosot. Ia semakin
>>> > sangat mudah letih. Beliau hanya akan menjadi penonton apabila
>>> > sepupunya
>>> > bermain atau rakan-rakannya berlari berkejar-kejaran.
>>> > Perniagaan doktor ini semakin maju maklumlah saya kerap ke kliniknya
>> boleh
>>> > dikatakan setiap bulan selain dari sakit demam. Pada usia anak saya ini
>> 4
>>> > tahun, doktor Cina ini dah surrender dan merujukkan kes anak saya ini
>>> > ke
>>> > Hospital Universiti Petaling Jaya. Saya dan isteri terpaksa mengambil
>> cuti
>>> > membawa anak menemui doktor pakar kanak-kanak. Anak saya diambil
>> darahnya
>>> > dan doktor minta anak saya dimasukkan ke dalam wad kanak-kanak. Bacaan
>>> > hemoglobin dalam darah anak saya cuma 4.2 sedangkan orang biasa
>> sepatutnya
>>> > dalam lingkungan 12 dan ke atas. Allah saja yang mengetahuinya azab
>>> > yang
>>> > kami lalui. Hasil pemeriksaan doktor, mereka mengatakan anak saya kena
>>> > anemia Talesemia (umur sel darah merah pendek berbanding normal 120
>> hari).
>>> > Saya tidak ada ilmu ketika itu tentang apa itu (Talesemia). Saya
>> menelefon
>>> > kakak ipar saya di Tapah bertanyakan apa itu Talesemia. Subhanallah,
>>> > penjelasannya sangat mengerikan. Kanak-kanak penghidap talesemia
>> selalunya
>>> > meninggal dunia sebelum usia mencecah 7 tahun. Adakah saya akan
>> kehilangan
>>> > anak sulung yang dikasihi?
>>> > Sudah tidak tahu apa yang perlu dibuat, saya berkunjung ke sebuah
>> farmasi
>>> > di Kajang mencari sesuatu yang boleh saya usahakan untuk mengubati
>> masalah
>>> > anak saya. Saya ternampak sebuah ubat supplement buatan Amerika dalam
>>> > bentuk cecair bernama NUTROPLEX. Saya tawakkal membelinya dan
>>> > memberikan
>>> > ubat ini kepada anak saya. Alhamdulillah  bacaan hemoglobin anak saya
>>> > meningkat sehingga ada waktunya kepada bacaan 7.
>>> > Satu perkara lain selain masalah masalah yang telah disebutkan di atas,
>>> > anak saya ini kerap sekali menghadapi demam secara purata 2 kali
>>> > sebulan
>>> > dari usia 2 tahun sehingga berusia 13 tahun. Pendek kata, sekolah
>>> > memang
>>> > terpaksa selalu tidak hadir kerana demam.
>>> > Begitulah masalah yang kami hadapi membesarkan anak sulung ini sehingga
>>> > berusia 13 tahun. Kerap demam dan tidak bermaya serta mudah letih.
>>> Kemuncak
>>> > masalah ini ialah bila satu ketika saya mendapat panggilan telefon dari
>>> > isteri mengatakan anak saya terpaksa dimasukkan ke hospital kerana
>>> > demam
>>> > yang serius. Waktu ini saya sudah mula berguru dengan arwah guru saya.
>>> > Segala masalah anak saya sudah sedia dalam makluman arwah guru cuma
>>> menanti
>>> > saat yang sesuai sahaja untuk memberitahu kepada saya.
>>> > Dalam saat kebingungan mengenangkan anak dimasukkan ke hospital kerana
>>> > demam yang serius, saya menelefon arwah guru saya. Setelah saya
>>> menjelaskan
>>> > cerita sebenarnya, arwah memberitahu saya agar mencari sebanyak mungkin
>>> > buah delima masak di mana-mana kampung dan berikanlah makan kepada anak
>>> > saya. Alhamdulillah saya berjaya mencari agak banyak juga buah delima
>>> > kampung dan saya menyuapkan kepada anak saya. Alhamdulillah selepas
>>> > beberapa hari, anak saya dibenarkan keluar dari wad hospital.
>>> > Bermula dari saat inilah saya terpaksa akur sahaja dengan apa yang
>>> > disarankan oleh arwah guru saya. Sebelumnya, saya memang banyak
>> membantah
>>> > kata-kata arwah guru, maklumlah saya lulusan universiti (biologi &
>> kimia)
>>> > sedangkan arwah guru sekadar pengamal perubatan tradisional dan tok
>>> > guru
>>> > agama. Arwah guru saya menasihati agar :
>>> >    1. Elakkan dari makan sebarang organ  dalaman seperti hati dsbnya.
>>> >    2. Elakkan makanan rapu seperti coklat, maggi mee, twisties, ding
>> dang,
>>> >       double decker, burger, naget, sausage dan sebagainya
>>> >    3. Elakkan minuman bergas
>>> >    4. Elakkan jeruk-jeruk kering dan basah
>>> >    5. Makan sayur-sayuran yang berzat seperti sayuran hijau dan pahit.
>>> >    6. Makan buah delima
>>> >    7. Makan epal hijau.
>>> > Selepas tiada pilihan (doktor dan pakar sudah diusahakan) melainkan
>>> mencuba
>>> > kaedah rawatan arwah guru semata-mata, akhirnya saya bersyukur kepada
>>> Allah
>>> > SWT bahawa inilah kaedah yang tepat untuk merawat kes anak saya. Sejak
>>> dari
>>> > saat ini, anak saya ini kelihatan semakin sihat dan segar dan akhirnya
>>> > kekerapan menghidap demam pun telah menjadi sejarah. Syukur
>> Alhamdulillah
>>> > terima kasih kepada Mu ya Allah di atas rahmatMu.
>>> > Bermula dari saat ini saya sudah berpusing 180 darjah. Saya menyumpah
>>> > kepada ilmu sains yang mengajarkan bahawa makan hati boleh membawa
>>> kebaikan
>>> > kepada manusia. Saya menyumpah juga kepada diri saya yang selama ini
>>> > mengajarkan kepada pelajar-pelajar saya satu ilmu yang sebenarnya
>> membawa
>>> > mudharat kepada manusia. Ampunilah dosa ku ya Allah kerana mengajarkan
>>> ilmu
>>> > sesat di sekolah dahulu (ilmu makan hati untuk menambah darah).
>>> > Saya yakin bahawa saranan ilmu sains bahawa memakan hati haiwan adalah
>>> baik
>>> > untuk menambah darah adalah ilmu songsang yang diajarkan oleh orang
>> Yahudi
>>> > agar umat manusia menjadi tidak sihat. Orang Yahudi ini beranggapan
>>> jikalau
>>> > dunia ini dipenuhi oleh orang Yahudi semata-mata, alangkah indahnya.
>>> Mereka
>>> > ingin membunuh umat lain selain Yahudi secara senyap. Tanggapan saya
>>> > ini
>>> > adalah berdasarkan bahawa orang Yahudi ini sangat mempelajari ilmu di
>>> dalam
>>> > Al Quran dan hadis cuma mereka tidak beriman sahaja. Mereka ingin
>>> > menggunakan ilmu ini untuk merosakkan dan membunuh umat Islam. Saya
>>> berkata
>>> > demikian kerana ilmu sains dari barat mengajarkan untuk memakan hati
>>> > sedangkan orang Yahudi , Amerika dan
England tidak makan hati. Mereka
>> juga
>>> > tidak makan kepala ikan seperti disarankan Nabi sedangkan orang Melayu
>>> > Islam di Malaysia makan hati dan kepala ikan.
>>> > Memakan hati bukan sekadar tidak membantu meningkatkan paras hemoglobin
>>> > darah malahan memakannya akan mengundang pelbagai mudharat lain yang
>> Allah
>>> > dan RasulNya saja yang mengetahui dengan tepat. Pengalaman anak saya
>> serta
>>> > didiagnosed oleh doktor sebagai pesakit leukemia sudah cukup mengajar
>> saya
>>> > betapa mudharatnya memakan hati. Anak saya telah memakan hati ayam
>> dengan
>>> > begitu banyak sekali semenjak berusia 2 hingga 13 tahun. Subhanallah.
>>> > Kepada mereka yang taksub dengan ilmu sains dan perubatan moden,
>>> > waspadalah, berbagai agenda tersembunyi dimasukkan oleh Yahudi dan
>> Nasrani
>>> > di dalam ilmu sains dan perubatan moden. Mereka mengajarkan tidak ada
>> ubat
>>> > bagi menyembuhkan penyakit seperti diabetes, jantung dan bengkak hati
>>> > sedangkan Allah dengan jelas menyatakan setiap penyakit diturunkan
>>> > Allah
>>> > bersama ubat melainkan mati.
>>> > Kepada ibu bapa yang bakal mendapat kenaikan gaji baru pada Ogos akan
>>> > datang ini, saya ingin berpesan bahawa kitalah sebenarnya yang banyak
>>> > meracuni anak-anak dan diri kita sendiri dengan cara memberikan makanan
>>> > yang sama sekali tidak sepatutnya untuk dimakan oleh anak-anak dan diri
>>> > kita. Setengah manusia sangat redha dan seronok untuk diracuni dengan
>>> > menghisap rokok, minum arak dan menghisap dadah.
>>> > Sekian wassalam wallahualam
>>> >
>>> > Emjay

News fo the day!!

August 10, 2007
Damn! this is really the news of the day, and in conjunction to our 50th Independence day, this is just fit! HAHAHA!

Foreigners caught after flying flag upside down

KUALA TERENGGANU: Several foreign fishermen thought they had found the perfect decoy to sail into Malaysian waters without being found out – by flying the Jalur Gemilang to project the “patriotic” spirit. 

But local fishermen smelt something “fishy” when the saw the flag being flown upside down. 

Their suspicions were confirmed – there were 13 Vietnamese on the boat which was about four nautical miles from Pulau Kapas here.  

The locals alerted the state Fisheries Department.  

Its enforcement officers found stingrays weighing 500kg, valued at RM6,000, on the boat. 

A fake fishing licence was also found. 

State Fisheries Department director Munir Mohd Nawi said the Vietnamese also tried to fool the locals by having their boat painted green.  

“We believe the fishermen were in our waters since Sunday,” he added.  

The foreigners, aged between 17 and 49, are expected to be charged under Section 8(b) of Fisheries Act 1985 for encroachment. 

They face a maximum RM100,000 fine, two years’ jail, or both, if convicted. 

Quick Tips for Mountain Climbers

August 8, 2007

Mountain climbing is getting popular now for various reasons. Here are some useful tips for mountain climbers. It is important that before you climb a mountain, you know your limitations and motivations. Go through these tips before you go for mountain climbing.

  1. Always travel in group. Never go on a climbing expedition alone.
  2. Make sure you know the weather. This is by keeping close watch on the weather for your climb.
  3. Get regular weather reports and updates and learn to look for signs of bad weather.
  4. Make sure you pack a proper backpack. What is in your backpack is very important as your life depends on it. Be packed for all possible weather conditions.
  5. Stay hydrated all the times – very important.
  6. Drink plenty of water when climbing.
  7. Wear proper clothing. It is better to wear warm clothing.
  8. Wearing sunglasses helps to protect your eyes.

Comparisons with paintball

August 7, 2007

from: Comparisons with paintball

Four players putting fire on an objective that they plan to attack.

Four players putting fire on an objective that they plan to attack.

[edit] Origin

Airsoft was developed in Japan in the late 1970s[1] to provide an alternative for gun hobbyists because local laws prevented individuals from privately owning firearms. A heavy emphasis was therefore placed on making accurate replicas of real firearms. In contrast, paintball was developed in the United States in 1981[2] as a variation of hide and seek tag, through the use of utility companies’ paint marking guns, which mark power/utility poles, and continues to focus more on their function than their form or aesthetic qualities. Paintball has quickly gained greater popularity than airsoft in the United States. However, in Asia, airsoft is much more popular and paintball is nearly non-existent. In the interests of a more family-friendly image, paintball as an industry usually avoids direct analogies to the military and war (seen by the movement towards spectator-friendly speedball). Similarly airsoft has taken a dual route, moving away from this (as seen in airsplat) as well as embracing them. This sometimes extends to full MilSim play.

For more information, see Public acceptance of paintball.

[edit] Honor system

An “honor system” is employed whereby the players rely on each others honesty to admit to being hit, because unlike paintball, the plastic pellets don’t leave marks on clothing. Depending on the muzzle velocity of the gun and distance from which a person is shooting, the person on the receiving end of the shot will usually receive tiny welts on their skin. The pellets can sometimes break skin at very close ranges. In other cases, the sight of the plastic pellets ricocheting off a player or the sound of them hitting a player can be used as a positive indicator of a hit.

[edit] Kinetic energy

Kinetic energy transfer is relatively minimal in airsoft compared to that of paintball. A airsoft projectile weighing .2 grams and traveling at 300 feet per second (90 meters per second) transfers .8 joules of energy. A paintball projectile weighing 2.84 grams and traveling at 300 feet per second transfers 11.8 joules.

Although there is a considerable difference between airsoft and paintball energy levels (1 joule verses 12 joules), the type of collisions that occur (elastic airsoft vs. inelastic paintball) must also be considered (refer to Pellet Ballistics).

Most airsoft guns are capable of shooting from 250fps to 600fps. A hop-up unit, if present, puts backspin on the pellet giving a slight upward arc. This gives an airsoft gun more range than a paintball gun. Airsoft playing fields usually have rules specifying what velocity is allowed for each player position. This makes the game much more realistic, as an airsoft pellet will travel much further than a paintball.

[edit] Cost

To a new player choosing between airsoft and paintball, a beginning package for either is roughly equivalent in terms of apparel and cost.[citation needed] One major difference, however, can be seen in the cost of ammunition and upkeep of the packages – due to the type of ammunition used, airsoft guns are less prone to “jamming”, and airsoft pellets are considerably cheaper to manufacture than paintballs.

Guns are usually the most expensive piece of equipment. A low-quality electric gun can cost $20-$70 dollars USD, while a high-quality Tokyo Marui airsoft gun can be more than $300 USD. Custom guns can even cost more than $2,000 USD.

[edit] Legal issues

Main article: Legal issues in airsoft

Airsoft guns and playing airsoft is legal in most parts of the world, but not all. Some countries have specific restrictions such as maximum muzzle energy, rules against using the trademarks of real firearms, and orange tips to disginguish them from actual firearms.

Classic Army M15 Automatic Electric Gun

Classic Army M15 Automatic Electric Gun

[edit] Hazards of being mistaken for a real firearm

There have been a few highly isolated cases of airsoft guns being mistaken for real firearms,[citation needed] and some cases where armed law enforcement units have responded to tips of unlawful firearm use.[citation needed] This is the main reason that laws require orange tips to be present on all “toy guns” (including airsoft replicas) imported into the United States.[citation needed] However, the effectiveness of such measures remains open to debate, because these tips can be easily removed or painted away. Furthermore, their use means that criminals can attempt to disguise real firearms as toys by painting the tip of the barrel orange, or vice versa.

A measure that is often employed by airsoft players is informing local law enforcement officials where and when airsoft games will take place, so that such misunderstandings can be avoided.[citation needed] The worst known case occurred in Longwood, Florida when 15-year-old Chris Penley threatened students with an airsoft pistol at his middle school and was subsequently shot to death when he aimed it towards an officer. The orange tip mandated by US Federal law had been painted black.[3]

In many jurisdictions, using an imitation firearm to commit a crime (which often includes the generic term of “brandishing”) carries the same penalty as if a real firearm were used.

In the United Kingdom, the use or possesion of any kind of replica weapon, loaded or otherwise in a public place is an offence which can carry heavy fines.

[edit] Airsoft guns

Main article: Airsoft guns

The guns used in airsoft are typically replicas of real firearms.

Airsoft guns are classified according to their operating principle which can be either: spring–, electric– or gas-powered. An airsoft gun is selected according the level of performance (battery life, range, magazine capacity) or realism the player requires.

An example of a gas blowback airsoft pistol, in this case a replica of a SIG-Sauer P226

An example of a gas blowback airsoft pistol, in this case a replica of a SIG-Sauer P226

Airsoft guns have three general classifications depending on their use in the game. These classifications are generally dependent on the pellets speed and energy generated. Besides the normal ranges, there are weapons designed for longer ranges, typically sniper rifles and shorter ranges (also called Close Quarter Battle (CQB) and usually of 20 feet or less). CQB situations include close range confrontations such as “house entry” where maneuvrability is more important than range or power. The airsoft guns used in these scenarios typically fire less than 300 fps for safety reasons. Some high-powered and well-upgraded airsoft sniper rifles can fire 6mm pellets at velocities of about 550 fps, though these have posed serious threats, as there have been reports of helmets, masks, goggles, and even scopes cracked by sniper rifles. So, most airsoft guns typically fire 200-450 fps, since they are used outdoors for most operations, balancing good speed and range with energy generated.

Generally speaking, most airsoft events classify airsoft soldiers by the weapons they use, which divides their weapons in to three main categories. Rifles, sniper rifles, and support weapons. Rifles are generally characterized by full buttstocks, and automatic gearboxes which employ electrically powered motors to wind back a piston attached to a spring, and release it, causing it to both hit a bb, and send air flying down the barrel, propelling the pellet forward. Depending on the quality of the gearbox, whether or not it is constructed of plastic or metal, what motor, or spring it has, this entire sequence of actions usually happens in an unfathomably short amount of time, allowing airsoft rifles to operate in fully automatic modes. Some sniper rifles operate on this principle, like the Classic Army SL8, but for the most part, airsoft sniper rifles, like their real counterparts, operate with a manually cocked bolt. This gives the sniper the advantage of having a accurate rifle, that is much more powerful than most Automatic Electric Guns, (AEGs), because he or she can pull back a stronger spring than can be moved by a small electric motor. The support weapon that has dominated the support role of airsoft weaponry for the past few years has always been the Classic Army M249.

Whether in its full-stocked, and elongated barrel version, or in the M249P version, (featuring a shortened barrel, and collapsible stock), it has gained a reputation for power and reliability even when fired for long periods of time while putting down cover fire, due to its 8mm bearing high-torque flat gearbox. Like other suport weapons, it is usually accompanied by a large box magazine, capable of holding thousands of 6mm pellets. There are, however other support weapons, such as the Inokatsu M60 series, widely regarded as the highest quality M60 replicas in the world. Like the Classic Army M249, the Inokatsu M60 features entirely metal construction, (save for parts which, on the real gun, are plastic). Due to their rarity, and constuction of the utmost quality, most weapons made by Inokatsu cost upwards of $1000 USD, which usually prompts any person interested in obtaining an airosft support weapon to buy the cheaper Classic Army, or Top M60 models, or simply transform a rifle into a support weapon, as many large box magazines are available for airsoft weapons such as the M16/M4 series, G3, G36, and AK47.

[edit] Grenades and launchers

Players can use simulated grenades, grenade launchers, mines, and claymores that do not utilize any explosives (pyrotechnics). Most of these “non pyro” devices are powered by green gas or a citric acid mix. The simulated hand grenades have many faults and therefore not as popular or common as grenade launchers like the M203 which launches a large number of pellets or foam slug rounds using green gas. And while most players, if they do at all use grenade launchers, will simply use an underbarrell launcher such as the M203, some players purchase heavier support weapons such as replicas of the Heckler & Koch 69 40mm grenade launcher, or a CAW revolving launcher, which can hold up to 6 40mm gas powered pellet grenades, (the pellet capacity of each grenade varies by its producer, and specified use, though grenades by MadBull Airsoft have been known to be able to fire over 200 pellets in a single shot), and shoot them in a semi-automatic mode. By using the Caw launcher, support gunners can get off up to 1224 rounds of 6mm ammunition in about 3 seconds. Mines are not popular either, because most only produce a puff of flour when activated without actually firing pellets. The airsoft claymore mine are more expensive, but popular due to their effectiveness. Simulated anti-tank weapons exist, but they are not common or popular due to their weight and greater expense. These are rarely used in casual play but can be implemented when playing on an official airsoft field.

Irfan – Newsletter Rahsia Internet: Angin yang Sama Kita Layari

August 6, 2007
Received this email from Irfan, just wanna share with you guys….

—–Original Message—–

From: Rahsia Internet [] Sent: Monday, August 06, 2007 3:40 PM

To: Mohamad Radzi Nazri (CJ/ESM)

Subject: Radzi, Newsletter Rahsia Internet: Angin yang Sama Kita Layari


NewsLetter Ogos 2007 v1 ====================================================




Salam sejahtera Radzi,

Beberapa hari lepas saya dijemput sebagai tetamu undangan sebuah program TV baru untuk Astro- Wacana Wanita.

A women’s talk talk show dikendalikan oleh host berpengalaman, Dang Suria. Dang Suria juga sebagai penerbit Wacana Wanita.

Satu perkara yang terdetik di fikiran saya ketika shooting itu adalah, saya teringat salah satu appearance terawal saya di TV, iaitu pada tahun lepas “Usik-Usik bersama Chef Wan”. Kalau anda ingat, ia adalah ketika saya ditemuramah bersama Siti Nurhaliza…

Ketika penggambaran Wacana Wanita itu, terdapat 3 tetamu jemputan, seorang pakar motivasi (Dr. Rubiah), seorang lagi fashion consultant (tak ingat nama!) dan saya sendiri.

Ketika sebelum penggambaran, tetamu fashion consultant tu ketahui saya sering juga menjadi jemputan di TV dan beliau meminta tips dari saya oleh kerana kini dirinya tengah nervous! Boleh nampak jugalah kerisauannya…

Tersenyum saya teringat ketika menjadi tetamu di Usik-Usik Chef Wan pada tahun lepas, saya juga turut rasa nervous dan gelisah- sampai nampak di muka!. Sehingga Siti Nurhaliza di backstage yang menasihatkan saya untuk “relax sikit & bertenang”.

Sedikit pesanan saya…

There’s always a first time! Sekiranya anda ingin melakukan sesuatu, dan takut-takut, atau nervous, atau gelisah- JANGAN RISAU.

Memang anda perlu melalui itu semua. Memang perasaan itu akan dilalui oleh setiap orang. Melakukan sesuatu yang baru adalah diluar zon selesa seseorang.

Apabila sesuatu yang baru itu dilakukan berulang kali, anda akan berjaya mencipta satu zon selesa baru. Lama kelamaan, anda tidak lagi akan merasa takut, nervous, gelisah & risau!

There’s always a first time! Terima kasih atas sokongan anda!

Salam hormat,

-Dr.Irfan Khairi


“RM3,000 dalam masa 3 HARI!”

Radzi, Workshop Jutawan Internet telah menghasilkan ramai usahawan-usahawan Internet berjaya antaranya termasuk saudara Jebat Abd. Kadir…

“Pada awal tahun 2006 saya tidak tahu langsung tentang perniagaan internet ini. Sehinggalah suatu hari saya terbaca buku Dr.Irfan Khairi,’Rahsia Jutawan Internet Terbongkar’ yang mana pendapatan yang dihasilkan melalui perniagaan ini amat menarik minat saya. Untuk itu saya bertekad untuk mempelajari ilmu Perniagaan Internet ini.

Setelah beberapa bulan berlalu saya masih tidak tahu tentang perniagaan ini. Pada bulan Mei 2006 saya nekad untuk mengikuti Workshop Jutawan Internet”.

Melalui ‘Workshop Jutawan Internet’ ini baru saya faham bagaimana Perniagaan Internet ini berjalan sepenuhnya. Saya amat bertuah kerana seharian masa dan bayaran untuk workshop ini amat berbaloi.


tahu?, sehingga kini banyak tool-tool yang saya perolehi melalui ‘workshop Jutawan Internet’ ini, yang masih saya gunakan.

Hanya berbekalkan “workshop Jutawan Internet” ini, saya mengorak langkah dalam pernigaaan internet ini. Saya melakukan dari rumah dan hanya sendirian.

Kini saya telah memiliki 3 laman web jualan, manakala salah satu laman web tersebut telah memberikan saya pendapatan sebanyak RM3000 dalam masa hanya 5 hari dilancarkan. Terima kasih Dr.Irfan Khairi, juga tidak lupa buat Man & Krew kerana tanpa jemu memberi bimbingan

1 tahun.”

Jebat Abd. Kadir



Workshop Jutawan Internet telah menerima liputan berita utama

termasuk Warta Perdana, RTM1 dan juga Channel 8 News, TV8. Bukan

lagi rahsia bahawa Workshop Jutawan Internet adalah seminar pilihan

bakal-bakal usahawan Internet Malaysia.

Tajuk : Workshop Jutawan Internet, Kuala Lumpur

Tarikh : Ahad 12hb Ogos 2007

Waktu : 8.45 am – 6.30 pm

Tempat : J.W. Marriott, Kuala Lumpur

Speaker : Dr.Irfan Khairi

Maklumat lanjut dan pendaftaran di

Pendaftaran telah dibuka, dan kini hanya 3 tempat kosong sahaja

tinggal! Daftar secara online atau hubungi Shah di 016-6966644


Berita terkini: Atas permintaan di luar jangkaan, kini Workshop

Jutawan Internet dijalankan di Singapura! Kami kini melebarkan

sayap ke negara jiran pula.

Workshop Jutawan Internet pertama yang bakal diadakan di Singapura

pada 18hb Ogos 2007 sudah PENUH- fullhouse! Jangan lepaskan peluang

menyertai Workshop JUtawan Internet yang akan diadakan di Kuala

Lumpur pada hari Ahad, 12hb Ogos 2007! Hubungi Shah di 016-6966644

*Workshop Jutawan Internet- Workshop Perniagaan Internet #1 PALING

LARIS di Malaysia yang TERBUKTI menghasilkan PALING RAMAI Usahawan

Internet Malaysia yang berjaya!

Maklumat lanjut dan pendaftaran di


TIP PILIHAN: Angin Yang Sama Kita Layari

Radzi, pernah dengar tak istilah ini:

“The same wind blows on all of us… it’s how we set our sail”

(Angin yang sama meniup kita semua… apa yang membezakan adalah

bagaimana kita melayarinya)

Sekiranya anda memahami istilah ini, anda memahami istilah sebenar

kejayaan. Apa yang membezakan mereka yang berjaya dan mereka yang

tidak berjaya? Kesemuanya adalah keputusan pada diri sendiri.

1. Anda bertanggungjawab atas hidup anda sendiri dan anda tidak

boleh mengubahkan diri anda selagi anda menerima tanggungjawab itu.

2. Anda juga bertanggungjawab dengan siapa atau apa yang mendekati

minda anda. Mendekati orang yang salah atau kumpulan yang salah

boleh berjangkit!

Kadang kala ianya berat, tetapi ianya adalah tanggungjawab anda.



Memulakan perniagaan Internet boleh menjadi mudah dengan tunjuk

ajar langkah demi langkah yang betul. Apatah lagi, kini, anda boleh

mengikutinya daripada keselesaan rumah anda!

Sekiranya agak sukar untuk anda menghadiri kursus perniagaan

Internet, kini, kami menyediakan pakej Belajar Dari Rumah Jutawan

Internet untuk anda mengambil langkah memulakan perniagaan Internet.

Lawati untuk mendapatkan diskaun 50% produk

Suite #322, No. 30 Ground Floor, Jalan 25/70A , Desa Sri Hartamas, 50480 KL

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Linux vs. Windows web Hosting, does it make a difference?

August 3, 2007
Linux vs. Windows web Hosting, does it make a difference?

One of the most confusing decisions someone new to web hosting will have to make is which platform their server should be on. There are a number of different choices out there but the main two are Linux and Windows web servers. There are also a lot of sources of information about hosting, but the majority of them are tainted by the author’s biased personal opinion unfortunately confusing the issue. Having just put in some solid hours researching the topic I have come to the conclusion that in general it quite probably does not matter which server you use. For the majority of people it will be far more important to choose a really good web host than to worry about the server-type that they implement.

Microsoft developed and owns the Windows operating system. Linux is open source and generally free. This means it can often be more expensive to set up and run a Windows server. However, this fact doesn’t really affect you unless you are actually setting up a server for yourself and if you’re reading this article then I’m guessing that it’s safe to assume you’re not. This article is going to offer information for those trying to decide which hosting company to go with. The cost involved in running a server does not affect the cost of a web-hosting package as much as you may think. Despite the general opinion that Windows servers are more expensive to run, buying a Windows hosting package can often turn out to be just as cheap or even cheaper than an equivalent Linux hosting package.

Some people naturally assume that because their PC runs Windows they need to buy a Windows hosting package. This isn’t true. Access to your web account will most likely be through FTP or a control panel and both servers support these methods. The main difference is that some of the FTP commands are slightly different between Linux and Windows and some FTP programs will be designed with one or the other in mind. This means you may occasionally find that when you try and get your FTP program to do something it returns an error message, but it won’t happen very often.

Your choice of server platforms should be dictated by the use to which you intend to put it. The majority of web features run fine on both platforms including PHP, mySQL, POP3 etc. If you intend to create your site using ASP, FrontPage, the .NET environment, Windows Streaming Media, Access, MSSQL, or any of the other Microsoft proprietary technologies then you probably need to use a Windows host. There is limited support for a number of these technologies in Linux, but they can be expensive and are usually lacking in features. It is probably worth considering the fact that if you use server specific technologies and then change hosts you’ll have a much harder time of it than if you use technologies that can be run on any system. Having it run generic technologies removes the need to focus on specifics and allows you to focus on the quality of service itself.

The reliability and stability of the different platforms have been the topic of many long arguments. The main reason that Windows is seen as being insecure is that it is the most widely used operating system for home PC’s. People spend more time looking for flaws in the most common system. With Linux being the most common server type, it has a surprising number of successful hack attempts made on it. In the end the security of both platforms comes down to the competency of the system administrators. If you are security minded then you’ll do better to make sure that the hosting company is reputable and highly skilled than to worry about the server they use.

In terms of performance there’s not a huge difference between the two servers. Linux reportedly performs faster because Windows (as usual) attempts to offer an ‘all in one’ package instead of the extendable Linux implementation. You’ll generally not notice a difference but if performance is of utmost importance to you then maybe this will influence your decision.

I’ve come to the conclusion that unless you are specifically using features that are unique to one platform or another your time will be much better spent looking for a really good quality host than a really good quality server. Developers are constantly improving both Linux and Windows so they should be fairly close in terms of features, security, and reliability for a long time. It’s the people implementing them that you should be basing your decision on.

Jokes – Before & After Marriage

July 27, 2007

Before & After Marriage


A joke to share with the guys!
I’m sure it’s not true, ya guys!

Before the marriage:
He: Yes. At last. It was hard waiting.
She: Do you want me to leave?
He: NO! Don’t even think about it
She: Do you love me?
He: Of course!
She: Have you ever cheated on me?
He: NO! Why you even asking?

She: Will you kiss me?
He: Yes!
She: Will you hit me?
He: No way! I’m not such kind of person!
She: Can I trust you?
Now after the marriage you can read it from bottom to the top !

What is Airsoft?

July 27, 2007

Have you heard about airsoft before?
Well, Airsoft is a modern combat sport or recreational hobby in which participants eliminate opponents by hitting each other with spherical non-metallic pellets, BBs, launched from airsoft guns. Participants typically employ the use of varying types of weapons designed as replicas of real firearms, tactical gear, and accessories used by modern military and police organizations.Airsoft has its roots in late-1950s East Asia, specifically Japan where firearms were difficult or impossible to obtain due to local laws; sought a legal alternative for enjoying their passion. Airsoft is still today most popular in several Asian regions, such as Japan, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, South Korea, and to a certain extent, the Philippines, and Indonesia.The vast majority of airsoft guns, accessories, and after market upgrade parts are also manufactured in these countries.


There is also a growing interest in North America and Europe, especially in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Spain, Poland, Lithuania, Portugal, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Italy, Belgium (which is also visited by Dutch players, as the game is illegal in the Netherlands), and Denmark bolstered by an active and expanding Internet scene.

Unfortunately, Airsoft in BANNED in Malaysia, so I don’t have any of the weapons enjoyed by those peoples in those countries…LUCKY bastards 😉 However, that’s don’t really stop me from following their activities and weapons. To begin with, let me show you a good videos that can give a very good ideas how it looks like…


or simply do a search in Youtube for “airsoft”